Join Us
If you’d like to join us, simply fill out your info below and proceed to pay online. Nice and simple! Our current payment provider is PayPal however you do not need a PayPal account to join, you can simply use a credit or debit card.
Membership is just £50 for year 1, and £45 per year thereafter.
Network Wheels Drivers Club will provide you not only a long list of member benefits, offers and discounts, but also a selection of paid for and free exclusive member only events & road trips, making our membership great value for money. And you’ll make some great friends.
Here’s what our great value membership will give you…..
Club Membership
A membership including:
- Monthly free coffee & cars meetings
- Priority space at selected 3rd party events
- Partner offers and discounts
- Regular club events, invites and meets
- Be a part of a growing, like minded network of enthusiasts
- Social events and trips away
- Driving tours and visits
- The opportunity to show your car at selected events and meetings
- Group buy rates on products, show tickets and more
- A Clubhouse space (coming Q3 2024)
- Open to anyone, with any car! You’re all welcome.